Teach! Pro brings simple but powerful multimedia authoring facilities to a wide audience of users and designers, but especially to teachers and school students.
The secret of its power lies in its innovative authoring environment. No programming, scripting or icon flows - just a simple, intuitive point-and-click visual interface.
We especially appreciate that you have chosen to evaluate and possibly purchase the software by electronic means. This save us administration, saves you money and saves the planet some trees!
Use of the software is subject to the enclosed license agreement.
System Requirements
Here is a list of the minimum system requirements:
• Macintosh with a 68020 processor or greater, or Power PC (Power PC recommended)
• System 7.5 or later, Mac OS 8.5 recommended
• 4 Mb free RAM, 6 Mb or greater preferred
• 14” (640x480 pixels) color monitor, or larger
• monitor setting of 256 colors recommended; more colors require more memory
• QuickTime® extension
• Speech manager extension recommended
Technical support
For technical support, please send an email message to support@acruxsoft.com.
We offer technical support exclusively by email.
We're also happy to answer your questions of the type "How do I....?".
Additional projects and material
There's lots of other projects and other materials which you can download for free from our Web site. You'll find us at: <http://www.acruxsoft.com>
Help us to help you!!
The Teach! software is undergoing continual development, not only to take advantage of the latest technical possibilities, but also to simply improve and expand the program. Many of the suggestions made by our customers have already been incorporated into the program. So please do send us your suggestions - we do take notice! Please send all comments, criticisms and suggestions to feedback@acruxsoft.com.